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作者:David Cummings

1. 只管去做。
Just do it
2. 99%的决策,都可以更改。
99% of decisions aren't permanent
3. 招人要慎重,解雇要快速。
Be slow to hire and quick to fire
4. 工作成效必须有评估。
Measure what you manage
5. 客户比竞争对手更重要。
Competition isn't as important as the customer
6. 95%的创业公司不应该融资。
95% of startups shouldn't raise money
7. 加入创业者团体。
Join a startup peer group
8. 快速增长带来的最大挑战,就是如何让每个员工找到合适自己的位置。
The biggest challenge with growth is keeping everyone aligned
9. 价格战走不远,客户服务才是根本。
Price differentiation doesn't last long but customer service does
10. 成功的最重要因素,就是选对了时机。
Market timing is the most important factor for homeruns
11. 让客户成为你的销售员。
Empower customers to help sell new customers
12. 为你的团队创造最好的工作环境。
Create the best environment you can for your team
13. 与其乱猜答案,不如提出正确的问题。
Asking good questions is more important than guessing the answer
14. 建立各种人际关系,日后会帮到你。
Build relationships before you need them
15. 开始谈判前,就做好不成功的准备。
Always consider the best alternative outcome before beginning a negotiation
16. 在经营外部业务和管理内部运作之间,正确分配时间。
Consciously balance time working in the business vs working on the business
17. 你只有一次机会,得到他人对你的第一印象。
You only get one first impression
18. 你一开始做的事情,可能不是最终让你成功的事情。
What you start out doing isn't likely where you'll find success
19. 搞对公司文化,一切就会井然有序。
Get the corporate culture right and everything will fall into place
20. 不要去想将来如何退出,这就是最佳退出战略。
The best exit strategy is to not need one
21. 网站最大的敌人,就是浏览器的"后退"按钮。
The biggest enemy of websites is the browser Back button
22. 经常性收入是收入的最好形式。
Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue
23. 不要过河拆桥,世界很小,你会有报应的。
Don't burn any bridges as it is a small world
24. 建立一个针对性很强的品牌,然后围绕它把各方面都做好。
Build a niche brand and curate all aspects of it
25. 创业公司的循环往复,是健康的迹象。
Pivoting and iterating is healthy in a startup