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Always ask for a discount
27. 不要以为,天底下只有你想到了这个主意。
Your idea isn't unique
28. 与他人分享创意,会让你得到意料之外的好处。
Sharing your idea with others will lead to benefits you can't predict
29. 越简单越好。
Keep it as simple as possible
30. 人们认同公司,甚于认同产品。
People identify with companies more so than products
31. 只有第一次,才值得花钱请专业人员(律师、会计师等)帮忙。
It's worth paying a professional (lawyer, accountant, etc) to do it right the first time
32. 制定一个目标,然后习惯于你得到的决策信息永远在变。
Set goals and adapt to changing information
33. 讲故事是最有力的推销手段。
Storytelling is more powerful than marketing
34. 大多数创业公司,最初为自己的产品定价时,都定得太低。
Most startups initially price their product/service too low
35. 一定要有思考的时间。
Make time to think
36. 关注公司的节奏、统计数据和优先任务。
Focus on rhythm, data, and priorities
37. 不要把你的业务说成全新模式,而要用传统行业的例子描述。
Develop offline analogies to describe your startup
38. 开公司不仅仅是为了钱。
Companies aren't just about profits
39. 即使小小的胜利,也值得庆祝。
Celebrate the small victories
40. 你要扬长避短。
Play to your strengths
41. 不要被用户的意见左右。
Be opinionated about your product when considering customer suggestions
42. 知道自己的特点何在,然后清晰地表达出来。
Know why you're different and clearly articulate it
43. 不要闭门造车。
Don't develop products in a vacuum
44. 与雇员、客户、投资者和社区,保持经常性的沟通。
Regularly communicate with employees, customers, investors, and the community
45. 所有对你至关重要的人,你都要保持良好关系。
Remove friction for all stakeholders
46. 找不到决策依据,人们会自行编造。
Absent information people make up reasons
47. 人的精力有限,同一时间最多只能干三件事。
It is difficult to concentrate on more than three things at any one time
48. 你雇到什么人,决定了一切。
Employees are the most important stakeholder
49. 没有完美无缺的计划。
No plan is perfect
50. 是你"玩"创业,而不是创业"玩"你。
Consume the startup but don't let it consume you