Lady Gaga欲推个人香水系 风头正劲
Lady GaGa is entering the world of cosmetics by launching her own range of fragrances next year。
The Alejandro singer has teamed-up with Coty Inc. for the line of scents, with the first bottle set to reach shelves in early 2012.
小天后Lady Gaga最近喜事不断,先是在今年MTV台的VMA颁奖典礼上独揽八项大奖,出尽风头,昨天,有消息称Gaga的个人香水系列也将于2012春季面世。

Stephen Mormoris (senior vice president of global marketing in the Coty Beauty division) told WWD: "She is a phenomenon and a fascinating cultural force."
Besides perfume, GaGa has also expressed an interest in launching her own clothing range. "I can't wait to do my own line," she revealed. "It's definitely something I want to do in the next year, as I do have my own style。
Lady Gaga与世界上最大的香水公司Coty, Inc签订一纸合约,双方将合作推出这位娱乐圈打红人的个人专属香水。在时尚圈呼风唤雨的Gaga特立独行,风格迥异,这点深得厂商青睐,而目前她一时无二的狂热号召力,相信香水大卖应该不是问题。而野心勃勃的小天后还表示了对于成立个人服装品牌的愿望,“我迫不及待的想有自己的品牌,我有自己的风格,这是我在明年将要完成的计划。”
而就在一身牛肉礼裙让媒体瞠目结舌的隔天,出现在机场的Gaga被观察入微的媒体拍到,在左边大腿上的全新纹身,这是一个独角兽头像的纹身,环绕的锦带上写着Gaga第三张唱片的名称“This Way”。多管齐下的Lady Gaga看来是要不断地带给粉丝们带来新的惊喜。
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