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工作倦怠生活麻木 白领"橡皮人"一代


  Almost as soon as he wakes up at 8am each day, property agent Kevin Tu is already tired. He drags himself to work, and puts in nine hours in front of the computer and with clients. Then he goes home to his one-bedroom apartment in the south side of Beijing to stare at TV shows alone.


资料图:白领"橡皮人"一代 工作倦怠生活麻木

  A go-getting executive in a multi-national company just a few years ago, Tu, 31, now lives just "one day at a time", as he puts it. That might be the motto for a growing group of fatigued young, white-collar Chinese known as "eraser" or "plasticine" men (xiang pi ren).
