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希尔顿追求"人生大事" 自称告别夜店


  Paris Hilton (Pacific Coast News) If you want to find Paris Hilton, don't look in a nightclub -- she says she's done with going out.

  The 29-year-old socialite -- who narrowly avoided jail last month after being caught in possession of cocaine -- enjoying taking part in her court-ordered 200 hours of community service and says she is moving on to “bigger and better” things.


  She explained: “When you have been going out for so long, the party scene gets old, and I'm moving on with my life and on to bigger and better things. My community service is really important to me.


  “This week I started and we went down and got a bunch of pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and carving tools and paint, candy and a pinata and did a lot of fun things for the kids. It's something I enjoy doing and it's important to give back.”


  The hotel heiress -- who is currently dating nightclub tycoon Cy Waits -- feels “blessed” to have found love and says she is happier than ever.

  Paris added to gossip website RadarOnline.com: “I’m so happy. Cy is an amazing man. He is one of the kindest people I have ever met in my life and he is my best friend. We are inseparable, we are always together.

  希尔顿目前正与夜店大亨Cy Waits 交往,并且称自己从未如此幸福。她告诉八卦网站:“我很开心,Cy是个很不错的人,他说我所见过的最善良的人,他是我最好的朋友,我们会在一起,永不分离。”

  “He is just so loyal and that is something that is so important to me in a relationship because you can be with someone and not trust them and just have a bad feeling, but with him I never have to worry. I just feel very blessed that I found him.”
