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席琳·迪翁预产在即 入院静养防早产


  Singer Celine Dion has been rushed to hospital to prevent her from giving birth to her twins a month early. The 42-year-old Canadian born singer, who is expecting twin boys and is in the final month of her pregnancy, was admitted to a Palm Beach Hospital early this morning. A spokesman for the St Mary's Medical Centre confirmed Dion had been admitted as a precaution to avoid her giving birth too early.



  'Ms. Celine Dion has been admitted to St. Mary’s Medical Centre for observation at the recommendation of her doctors,' said hospital spokesman Ryan Lieber. 'She has been admitted to prevent the early delivery of her babies which is a fairly common clinical practice for mothers of twins. 'This is done to ensure the patient can be in close contact with their doctors and clinical resources, leading up to their birth.'


  Dion and her husband of 16 years, Rene Ange lil, 68, have described the pregnancy as a miracle having undergone at least seven IVF treatments in an attempt to fall pregnant again.

  The couple already have a 9-year-old son, Rene-Charles who was also concieved through in vitro.

  Last November, during an interview with Oprah, Celine revealed that she had suffered a miscarriage but in April of this year they discovered they were pregnant again.

  Dion, a five-time Grammy winner, lives on Jupiter Island, Florida, where golfer Tiger Woods will soon be a new near neighbour.

  席琳-迪翁与结婚16年的丈夫——68岁的Rene Angelil抚养有一个9岁的儿子,而在今年冬天,这个家庭将要迎来新成员的降临。