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朱莉自导处女作改剧本 重获波黑许可


  Last week, Angelina Jolie's directorial debut was barred from shooting in Bosnia after a victims group for women accused the project of providing a "misleading history" of the Bosnian War. Additionally, paperwork permit errors were cited in revoking Jolie's permission to film. But after a government minister gave the script another look, the Bosnian government changed it's mind, Reuters reports.


  "I can now start preparations for the shooting, which I had to stop last week," Edin Sarkic an executive involved in the movie said. "It's a big thing for Bosnia that such a mega, mega star is coming to Sarajevo."


  An anonymous government minister approved Jolie's project after double-checking her script and shooting locations after the permit was canceled on Oct. 15.

  The Oscar-winning actress is currently shooting the untitled film in Budapest but is scheduled to move production to Bosnia in a month. Officially, the film has been described as a love story between a Serbian man and a Bosnian woman who meet on the eve of the Bosnian War.

  But in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the media had painted the film as the story of a Serbian rapist and his Muslim victim.

  "In the film, a victim is really falling in love with her torturer," Bakira Hasecic, president of the Women Victims of War Association, was quoted as saying in Wednesday's Oslobodjenje daily newspaper. The group said the film would be "misleading history" if it were permitted to film there.


  Jolie had disputed this claim, and Sarajevo-based producer Scout Film asserts the film's narrative has nothing to do with the alleged plot and said it was a love story. Jolie had offered to meet with the group.
