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抗战胜利70周年阅兵在即 八大看点不容错过


A parade marking the 70th anniversary of China's victory in World War II will be held in Tian'anmen Square on September 3, 2015, the first statutory "Victory Day of Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression".

As one of the allied forces who won WWII, China's first military parade to mark the victory day will attract the world's attention. Here are some facts about the parade before it starts:

抗战胜利70周年阅兵在即 八大看点不容错过

1. It is the first parade not held on China's National Day

China has held 14 military parades since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. In 1999 and 2009, grand military parades were held to celebrate the country's 50th and 60th founding anniversary.

It is an international convention to hold a parade to mark the victory day. France, Russia, and the United States are good examples of countries that do so.

France invited top leaders of the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States and others to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Normandy Landing, a watershed battle in WWII.

Russia also held a parade on May 9 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the World Anti-Fascist War in Moscow's Red Square.