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麦当劳新推婚庆服务 快餐婚宴成时尚


  Weddings can be complicated and stressful affairs so would you be loving it if someone was able to serve up the whole meal deal for you? Imagine having your ceremony, reception, wedding cake and catering for up to 100 people provided for just ?250. There's just one drawback - it's at McDonald's.

  But while you may think any self-respecting bride would blush if she were to get married there, McDonald's claims it has decided to offer the service only after acquiescing to public demand for it.


  The idea first came about after one couple, who met at a McDonald's, held their wedding reception at a branch in Hong Kong earlier this year.


  Helen Cheung, Hong Kong McDonald's director of corporate communications, said: 'Over the past two years, we've started receiving calls from people who want to have a wedding party in our restaurants. There are about 10 calls a month.'People said they'd dated here, or met here, and wanted to get married here.

  'We see this as a business opportunity.'

  香港麦当劳连锁店的负责人Helen Cheung这样说道:“这两年来,我们开始了解到有很多在麦当劳结识的客户需要在我们餐馆办理结婚典礼,平均每月有10通电话都想在店里 “摆酒”的,我们觉得这绝对是一个商业契机。”


  self-respecting adj. 有自尊心的;自重的