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麦当娜新恋情扑朔迷离 否认牵手嫩男


  Stepping out for some dinner, Madonna was spotted at Locanda Locatelli in London, England last night (October 18).

  Sporting a pair of playful pigtails, the “Material Girl” songstress looked to be in good spirits as she exited the Mayfair eatery.

  As for the reports that Madge is dating her choreographer Brahim Rachiki, Gossip Cop reports that the story is completely false.

  The falsehood-busting website got a firm denial from Madonna’s camp, who simply said the story was “not true.”

  52岁的歌坛大姐大麦当娜最近深陷“恋情门”,甩了24岁的巴西男模LUZ后,又传出恋上33岁壮硕的排舞师Brahim Rachiki,不过麦当娜近日在伦敦矢口否认新恋情。

  换几个男友没关系,关键是要年轻、高大威猛。据外媒报道,10月18号,麦当娜出现在伦敦的一家知名餐厅,梳着俏皮的小辫,看起来精神相当好,新恋情的滋润效果果然赛过美容啦。不过在有记者提到传说中的绯闻男友Brahim Rachiki时,麦姐冷冷地回复否认。

  不过在圈里,麦姐喜好嫩男友已是尽人皆知的事。有传言称,麦当娜的新男友不是年过30的排舞师,而是20岁出头的黑人伴舞Brahim Zaibat!看来,年轻果然就是财富。