法国闹罢工 Gaga演唱会被迫延期
Not wanting to take the chance of causing unrest, Lady Gaga has decided to push back plans to perform in the city of Paris, France over the upcoming weekend.
Making the switch due to ongoing strikes in the region, a statement on the "Poker Face" singer's website tells: "As a result of the logistical difficulties due to the strikes in France, Live Nation today announced that the Lady Gaga performances in Paris at Bercy previously scheduled for this Friday and Saturday 22 & 23 October are postponed until 19 & 20 December, 2010."
The notice continues: "Unfortunately, as there is no certainty that the trucks can make it to the Bercy for this weekend's shows, the Lady Gaga performances are now postponed. The December 19th concert will replace the 22-October show and December 20th concert will replace the 23-October performance."
Gaga is giving ticket-holding fans til mid-November to either return their tickets for a refund or swap for admittance to the rescheduled dates.
Of the plans, the singer's site tells, "Fans with tickets to the rescheduled shows must exchange their tickets or claim for refund from now through November 14th at their point of purchase. Tickets dated October 22 and 23 will not be valid at the new dates."
面对罢工这样难以控制的影响因素,向来说风就是雨的小天后Lady Gaga也不得不作出妥协。原本将于十月二十二号、二十三号在法国巴黎举行演唱会的Gaga昨天在个人网站上无奈的向歌迷宣布:因为在法国近日爆发的大罢工造成了不变因素,原定本周末的演唱会被迫延期至十二月底。到十一月中旬为止,已经购票的歌迷可以选择退票,或者观看十二月底的演唱会。这让期待在本周感受小天后舞台魅力的歌迷们十分的失望,不过好在目前看来,罢工延续至圣诞节期间的可能性微乎其微。
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