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  A twenty-year-old woman has been appointed as police chief of one of Mexico’s most violent border towns. Criminology student Marisol Valles Garcia is about to get a quick lesson in the harsh realities of keeping the peace in a state overrun by drug traffickers.
  来到墨西哥犯罪率极高的小镇瓜德罗普的人一定想不到,管理这个小镇的警局局长竟然是一位年仅20岁的“小女孩”。是魄力?是美貌?还是别的什么让这位专业为犯罪学刚刚毕业的学生Marisol Valles Garcia有这个机会“管理”这个被贩毒者闹得“鸡犬不宁”的小镇呢?

  She took charge on Monday of security in crime-plagued Guadalupe Distrito Bravo, a town with a population of 10,000 close to the U.S. border.

  The town’s last mayor, Jesus Manuel Lara Rodriguez, was killed in June after receiving death threats from drug gangs that control the region. Local police officers have also been kidnapped and murdered over the past four years. At least eight people were killed in the town during the last week alone, according to local reports.

  据悉,这位小女孩Marisol Valles Garcia周一开始在这个位于美国边境拥有1万人口的小镇正式“走马上任”负责当地安保,让我们一起看看她即将面对的是什么样的“局面”吧!根据小镇新闻报道:这个小镇上届的镇长6月份被毒贩谋杀、近4年来,当地警方部分被绑架以及谋杀、仅上周就有8位民众被谋杀......

  Not surprisingly, there were no other candidates for the police chief’s job. The position comes with just one police car and a force of four officers. Miss Valles Garcia insists it is not up to her to fight the drug lords, saying that is the responsibility of other law enforcement agencies.

  如此说来,当地严峻的安全局势“警察局长职位”一度空缺也不是没有道理的了。据悉,当地政府给20岁的Marisol Valles Garcia配备了什么呢?就两样:一辆警车和4个下属。当问到Marisol Valles Garcia准备以何种方式来应对该镇的毒贩的时候,她回答:“不是我怎样应对,毒贩的命运应有法律来决定。”够专业吧?