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研究:人性"阴暗面" 成就领导才能


  A study by the University of Nebraska found that these so-called "dark side" qualities in moderation enhance people's ability to command.


  The researchers came to their conclusions after studying the development of 900 army cadet officers over a three-year period at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York.



  "We chose to investigate so-called subclinical or 'dark side' traits because we really didn't know much about how and to what degree they affected performance or development," said Professor Peter Harms, the study's lead author. "Was it possible that they might be beneficial in some contexts? For some of them, it turns out that the answer was yes."

  研究主要人员、皮特 哈姆斯教授说:“我们选择这些所谓的亚临床或‘阴暗面’品质进行研究,是因为我们不知道它们是如何影响人们的领导发挥或个人发展,以及它们的影响程度。在某种情况下,它们真的有益吗?(研究表明,)一些 “阴暗面”品质的确有益于人们的发展。”