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为探视爱女 林赛父亲自称要疯狂酗酒


  Lindsay Lohan hasn't allowed her father, Michael Lohan, to set foot in the Betty Ford Clinic in California where she's currently undergoing treatment for drug abuse. That's about to change.


  Sources close to Lindsay and her mother, Dina Lohan, say she plans to grant him visitation priveleges so that maybe he'll stop his repeated public pleas for her to allow him to see her.


  "It's gotten to the point where Lindsay told Dina, 'Mommy, maybe I should just let him see me because then he'll go away and he'll stop," the source told RadarOnline.com. "Dina knows she needs to slowly build a truce here because it's all got to stop. But they've given him so many chances."


  However, the 24-year-old star is said to have grown infuriated with Michael again after he was pictured attending reality TV star Tila Tequila’s recent 29th birthday party, despite promising to stay out of the spotlight.

  这位二十四岁的女星曾经表示对父亲非常恼怒,迈克尔之前曾经许诺将淡出公众视线,但最近有高调现实真人秀明星Tila Tequila的生日派对。

  The source added: "Lindsay does know about her dad going to Tila's birthday bash. She does hear things even though she's in rehab. How would you feel if this was your dad? She's humiliated.

  "Her feeling is, how dare Michael say he wants to make closure when he does something like that? He preaches 'people, places, things' but his actions are a total contradiction. He says he wants to mend fences, and then he goes to this girl's birthday.”

  It was recently claimed that Michael was planning to get drunk just so he could check himself into the rehab clinic to meet with his daughter.


  The showbiz patriarch intended to show up at the Los Angeles facility and if the actress refused to see him, he would get drunk, go back to the center intoxicated and cause a scene, and was even prepared to stage his own arrest to try and get close to his daughter.

  Lindsay – who voluntarily entered the facility last month – was told by a court last week that she must stay in rehab until January 3.
