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卢卡斯再拍新星战电影 3D版轮番登场


  Honestly, I'm not too surprised to hear this. We knew it was coming, right? Blue Sky Disney, who is usually quite reliable with their scoops, is reporting (hence why why we're calling this a rumor for now) that, "next month, Lucasfilm will announce that they're converting the Indiana Jones Saga to 3D as well." It was officially announced about a month ago that Lucasfilm would be converting all six of the Star Wars movies to 3D, with the first hitting theaters in early 2012, and each one following a year later. Apparently that's the same release pattern they'll be following with the three four movies from the Indiana Jones trilogy series.


  Blue Sky doesn't have a lot information, such as when we'll see these 3D re-releases hit theaters, but I hope we don't have to wait until after 2017, when Return of the Jedi finally gets released. They do say that "Lucas has been bitten by the 3D bug since Avatar showed the possible/promise of the technology, so other parts of the Lucasfilm catalog could be on the horizon as well…" So does that mean we might see Labyrinth and/or Howard the Duck in 3D one day soon? Who knows. Unlike the Star Wars trilogy, I'm really not interested in watching any of the Indiana Jones films in 3D, they're way too sacred for that. But we'll wait for the official news next month to unleash our full disapproval. Until then, it's up to you guys. So what do you think?


  虽然电影公司暂时还未透露个中细节,但是“印迷”不用等到2017年《Return of the Jedi》的上映,就又能在影院中再次欣赏到这位英雄的历险故事了。据媒体报道,卢卡斯自《阿凡达》鲸吞票房之后,便开始改变了对于电影科技技术的看法,这可能对于他的影片风格也会产生影响。但是否就以为这老片3D洗牌风潮的来袭,现在还不能妄下决定,诚然不是所有的经典电影都如同《星际大战》这般适合于如此的形式呈现。