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麦当娜事业再扩展 变身健身房老板娘


  International pop phenom Madonna is about to add "international fitness guru" to her resume. On Monday, the singer announced via press release that she and longtime manager Guy Oseary have partnered with New Evolution Ventures to open a chain of gyms, aptly named Hard Candy Fitness. The first of these locations is scheduled to open next month in Mexico City, with the Material Girl planning an appearance on November 29.

  周一,娜姐通过媒体宣布,与自己合作多年的经纪人盖-奥西里将于New Evolution Ventures合作连锁健身房的项目,其名将为“硬糖健身Hard Candy Fitness”(Hard Candy也是麦当娜最近一张专辑名称)。第一期健身中心将于下月在墨西哥城开幕,娜姐计划将在十一月二十九号现身活动现场。

  Apparently Madonna and her team are planning to open locations in Russia, Brazil and Argentina, as well as Europe and Asia. NEV Chairman Mark Mastrov said of the venture, "Our goal is to create an environment inspired by Madonna's vision and high standards of what the ideal gym would be. Hard Candy Fitness will be a reflection of Madonna's point of view and will reflect her input on every detail including music space, light and other design cues. Madonna's touch will be everywhere."


  Congrats to Madonna, who is so dedicated to her workout regime she reportedly bought the home next door to hers in London and converted it into her own personal gym. Too bad the woman who helped Madonna attain her Hard Candy-era bod, Tracy Anderson, isn't involved in the project.
