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  Justin Bieber was recently honored at Variety magazine’s 4th Annual Power of Youth event in Los Angeles, and he loves being able to use his celebrity status to help other people.


  Speaking at the event, he told Extra: “I think that I’m pretty powerful, I guess.

  “I think that being powerful you have to do something good with that power. We’re helping build schools, we’ve already built fifteen with the charity Pencils for Promise. We just like the fact that young people can help out young people.”


  The teenage star has also laughed off reports he is dating Jasmine Villegas, who starred in his "Baby" music video, insisting he will always be honest about his personal life.

  When asked about his love life, Justin said: “I think that whatever happens, happens, y’know. I’m not scared to tell the truth. No, I’m not dating anyone at the moment.”

  有消息称,贾斯汀目前正与《宝贝》音乐录影带的女主角Jasmine Villegas交往,小正太对于更是一笑置之,并称对于个人生活,他一直抱着诚实的态度。“当事情发生的时候,你们都会知道的,我并不怕说实话,不过目前我真的是空窗期。”

  Justin is also excited about his forthcoming book First Step 2 Forever because it gives him the opportunity to properly express himself.

  He added: “It’s not really an autobiography. I just wrote this book about my journey so far, it’s called First Step 2 Forever, meaning like this is only the beginning, there is so much more to come.

  “I’m really excited I got the opportunity to write a book and express my feelings about what’s going on.”

  对于即将出版的新书,贾斯汀相当兴奋,这是他表达自己的一个机会。“这并不是一部自传,我所写的只是我所经历的事情。书名《First Step 2 Forever》象征着一切都只是一个开端,接下来还有更多值得期待的事。”