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  In a press release today, Universal announced release dates for many of their forthcoming tentpole films including a December 21st, 2012 release for the fairytale adaptation Snow White and the Huntsman. While we've heard names like Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie and Tom Hardy tossed around for possible roles in the film, it's a slow news day today, which means an unlikely casting scoop has made its way online. The Wrap is now reporting Alice in Wonderland producer Joe Roth is looking to work with his Mad Hatter, actor Johnny Depp, yet again. An offer is apparently out to the actor for the lead role of the huntsman.


  While the connection between Depp and Roth certainly helps the possibility, we haven't forgotten just how damn busy Depp is and just how many projects he already has on his future slate. As we all know, offers are handed out to actors all the time, and they're just as quickly turned down. This is by no means a done deal, and personally I find it wholly unlikely. Aside from Depp's demanding future, I'm not sure the actor, who carefully selects a wide variety of roles, would be so eager to take on another alternate telling of a Disney inspired tale. It just seems too obvious of a role for him even though the role is said to be quite meaty with plenty of substantial drama.


  In addition, The Wrap points out that since Universal is looking to start production in January, it would be Depp's obligations to projects he has already finished shooting that may keep him wrapped up. The Tourist opens in December, Rango in March, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides in May, and the indie The Rum Diary is supposed to hit sometime in 2011 as well. The publicity around the world for all of these films would keep anybody too busy to shoot a film at the beginning of the year, and that doesn't even include the almost unfathomable number of projects the actor is said to have in development. While this is a slight possibility, I wouldn't hold your breath for very long. Would you want Johnny Depp in Snow White & the Huntsman?
