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威廉王子被爆秃顶 拼命掩盖"地中海"


  Prince William appeared red faced today as he removed his naval hat to reveal his increasingly thinning hair. The 28-year-old Royal was saluting sailors at the HM Naval Base Clyde at Faslane in his naval uniform today where his ever-growing bald spot was on display.

  While most experts have agreed that male patterned baldness is passed down on the mother's side of the family, Williams is clearly following in father Prince Charles and Uncle Prince Edward's footsteps.


  The second in line to the throne's formerly full head of blonde locks first showed signs of thinning when he was only 21, and has become increasingly thin over the years. Prince Charles' bald spot materialised around his 25th birthday, but he prefers to cover his hairline with a comb-over.



  naval adj. 海军的,与海军有关的