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Lady Gaga酒吧买欢 即兴为新人献歌


  Talk about an impromptu performance! Lady Gaga reportedly jumped up to perform a song for a happy couple in a bar after discovering they had just got married.

  Ewan and Julie Searle were toasting their nuptials with beer and champagne at The Raven pub in Chiswick, West London, when the singer appeared at the bar.

  After hearing about the New Zealand couple's wedding, the 24-year-old singer insisted on someone finding a guitar and accompanying her with an acoustic version of the Rolling Stones' classic "Gimme Shelter."

  一对新婚不久的夫妇在酒吧庆祝时,意外地受到了一位大明星的祝福。伊万和朱莉塞两人在伦敦西部的一家酒吧中与友人举杯庆祝新婚,流行天后Lady Gaga此事之后,坚持要人找来了吉他,即兴在小舞台上献上了一首滚石乐队的《Gimme Shelter》,以示对于这对夫妻的祝福。

  Julie said: "It was unbelievable. We were toasting our future by drinking champagne and beer with some guys we met in the hostel we were staying at.

  朱莉说:“这简直难以置信,我们在和朋友一起喝啤酒庆祝,然后,穿着樱桃色连衣裙的Lady Gaga走了进来,她在吧台给为随行伙伴点酒。”

  "Then Lady Gaga, dressed in this fabulous cerise dress, came in with her entourage. She stood at the bar and ordered a drink for everyone."

  Then the pop superstar, noticing their champagne, asked if they were celebrating.

  Julie told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "I said, 'Yes, we got married.' She said, 'That calls for a song.' She asked if anyone could play the guitar. A French friend called Sam -- one of the guys from the hostel -- rushed back to get his.

  "After he came back he spoke with her and her people and they played 'Gimme Shelter' by the Rolling Stones for us in the back room.

  Gaga在注意到他们香槟酒之后,走上前来,询问是否在庆祝。朱莉告诉媒体:“我说:‘是的,我们刚刚结婚。’Gaga说,‘那绝对要献上一曲。’她问在场是否有会弹吉他的人,我们这边一个叫山姆的法国朋友立刻跳了出来,他们在片刻的商量之后,便为我们在场的所有人合作了这首滚石的《Gimme Shelter》。”

  "It was lovely of her."

  Lady Gaga has revealed she wants to marry in Britain herself and dreams of tying the knot in a castle.

  The singer, who is rumored to be dating boyfriend Luc Carl, has also told pals she wants a horse drawn carriage and to have burlesque star Dita Von Teese spring from a cake.

  据Lady Gaga透露,自己一直梦想着能在英国的一座城堡中举行婚礼。