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Lady Gaga横扫2010年MTV三项大奖


  Lady Gaga wasn't in the building, but she still managed to steal the show at the 2010 MTV Europe Music Awards Sunday night (November 7).

  尽管Lady Gaga未能亲临现场,但这丝毫不影响她成为了周日晚上在马德里所举行的2010 MTV欧洲音乐奖上的最大亮点。

  Gaga couldn't attend because she was dishing out the theatrics on her latest Monster Ball tour stop in Budapest. But the pop sensation interrupted her Budapest show to accept her trophies live via satellite, giving acceptance speeches in the extravagant looks that have shocked many red-carpet watchers.

  Gaga's winning streak began early in the night when the star picked up the award for Best Pop, which she accepted mid-show in a sculptural purple jacket. Later, she picked up Best Female in a black bodysuit in front of a sooty car, giving a heartfelt speech and sharing a brief lip-lock with the dancer who handed her the trophy.

  因为正在布达佩斯举行Monster Ball巡回演唱会,分身乏术的Lady Gaga无法参加颁奖典礼,在主办方的安排下,她通过卫星,在演唱会的中途接受了奖项。事业如日中天的她在今年的EMA中一人独获“最佳流行音乐”、“最佳女歌手”、“最佳歌曲”三项重要奖项。

  The singer really let loose when she nabbed Best Song for "Bad Romance." Rocking yellow hair and donning a sheer, plastic minidress — the only thing obscuring her nipples were pasties in the shape of an "x" — Gaga accepted the award with the type of show-stopping energy she's become renowned for. After lamenting that she couldn't be in Madrid physically, she began to belt out a funked-up version of her The Fame: Monster track "Teeth." "Show me your teeth!" she sang, working some James Brown-esque moves that included a full-on, rock-and-roll backbend on the ground.

  Even EMA host Eva Longoria gave Gaga a shout-out, trotting out in a giant ham costume she quipped the singer left behind — a cheeky reference to Gaga's headline-grabbing VMA meat dress.

  本届的EMA由美女艾娃-朗格利亚-帕克所主持,她还特意向不在现场的Gaga做了互动,换上了一套巨大的“火腿装”,作为对于Lady Gaga在今年VMA颁奖礼上惊世骇俗的“生肉装”的回应,场面实在让人忍俊不禁。