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  Mel Gibson and his baby mama Oksana Grigorieva appeared in court together yesterday for the first time in their custody battle over their 12-month-old daughter Lucia.

  Mel had refused to pay his court-ordered $20,000 monthly child support until Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon ruled on whether he could charge rent for the Los Angeles home he owns, where his former lover and their child currently reside.

  昨天,男影星梅尔-吉普森与前女友兼孩子的母亲Oksana Grigorieva就一岁大女儿的监护权首次对薄公堂。梅尔拒绝支付法院所判定的每月两万美元的子女抚养费,除非法院批准他就前女友和孩子目前在洛杉矶的居住地(梅尔资产)收取租金。

  The judge stated the actor is not entitled to any deductions and must pay the child support owed, in full, immediately.

  Although Mel was ordered to pay $60,000 in child support there was some good news for him yesterday.


  The couple currently share custody of Lucia but Oksana has claimed Mel is not fit to look after her on overnight visits after he allegedly attacked Oksana while the tot was in her arms.

  Oksana also alleged a nanny was the primary caregiver when Lucia stayed with her dad and said she was worried the child was isolated in Mel’s home.

  However, Judge Gordon insisted he would address visitation issues at a later date, expected to be next year, leaving the current custody agreement in place.

  Mel and Oksana are due back in court November 22.
