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王薇薇想触"电" 创作视觉盛宴引关注


  Are movies just like fashion shows?

  That's the question of the hour as word hits that famous fashion designer Vera Wang wants to enter the world of filmmaking. In a chat with The Hollywood Reporter at an event in Los Angeles over the weekend, Wang stated: "I'm getting ready maybe to make an independent film myself. I'm thinking of maybe picking up a camera [and directing]."

  最近,纽约设计师王薇薇 (VERA WANG)向媒体透有“触电”的想法,她说:“我或许会准备自己拍一部独立电影,我想要拿起摄像机,自己做导演。”

  Naturally, that statement leads to a question of why, and Wang explains: "Because I can, because I think it's a great time. I think in our fashion shows, we always try to tell a story even though it's nine or ten minutes, and to take it to another level with 3 dimension or 4 dimension is kinda groovy."

  It's not a jump to assume that she's imagining a fashion-fueled affair, but that might not be the case. Wang says that she loves "stories about anger, about emotion, about complexity," and though it "might" involve fashion, it will be "visual." (Not sure how fashion wouldn't be visual, but we digress.)


  The natural assumption is that she'll make some sort of visual fashion feast, and make the fashion and flair in 'Sex and the City' seem like child's play, but actually, there's just as much of a possibility that she could offer up an ice skating film. Before entering the world of fashion, she was a pairs figure skater who competed in the Figure Skating Championships back in '68. When she didn't make the Olympic team, she headed to fashion, though she continued to be involved with skaters, designing costumes for the likes of Nancy Kerrigan and Michelle Kwan.

  But the larger question remains: Is directing some women in a fashion show and creating a distinct fashion vision for the runway the same thing as directing a feature film? Is it a natural jump for Ms. Wang to make, or is she seriously undervaluing the work of cinematic directors?
