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PINK承认怀孕 坦言要当妈妈很紧张


  A week after Us Weekly first reported the news, Pink confirms she's going to be a mom!

  On Wednesday's Ellen DeGeneres Show, the singer, 31, explains why she's "glowing": "I'm eating for two these days," she coos.

  近一个礼拜之中,关于摇滚女星怀孕的传闻一直频繁见诸娱乐媒体,而一直没发表任何评论的PINK终于在昨天参加《Ellen Show》节目录影时承认了这一消息。

  It's the first child for Pink and her husband Carey Hart. She tells Ellen DeGeneres why she kept her pregnancy secret.

  "I was just really nervous," Pink admits to DeGeneres. "I have had a miscarriage before, but if I was going to talk about it with anyone, it was going to be with you."


  And the "Raise Your Glass" singer's baby-to-be was definitely planned, she says. "I worked for it...It was not an 'Oops.'"

  She and hubby Hart, 35, aren't sure if they want to know the gender of their child in advance. "But the doctor kind of told me what she thinks," the star says, explaining that doctors noticed an anatomical detail in her ultrasound. "I'm terrified because she thinks it's a girl!"

  "My mom has always wished me a daughter just like me," she jokes. "I'm terrified one of us will go to jail."


  Pink and daddy-to-be Hart are stronger than ever since their 2008 separation, she adds. "I never had anything in my life that I didn't work hard for and my relationship is that," she gushes.

  "We worked really hard and we had our little meltdowns, a couple of them...we both needed to do that and come back together. It's just yummy!"
