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深圳发生里氏2.8级地震 广州亚运会未受影响


SHENZHEN - An earthquake measuring 2.8 on the Richter scale hit Shenzhen City in South China's Guangdong province and neighboring Hong Kong Friday afternoon.

The quake jolted an area covering parts of Nanshan and Bao'an districts of Shenzhen and Hong Kong at 2:42 pm (Beijing time), according to the Seismological Station of Guangdong.

The epicenter was monitored at 22.5 degrees north latitude and 113.9 degrees east longitude, with a depth of about 23 kilometers, said the station.

More than 100 people were seen gathering at a square in Futian District in downtown Shenzhen minutes after the quake. Some appeared uneasy.

"The ground shook for a couple of seconds," said Liu Wei, a local media worker.

There has been no reports of casualties in the tremor.


新华网北京11月19日电 据国家地震台网测定,北京时间2010年11月19日14时42分,在广东省深圳市南山区、宝安区、香港特别行政区交界(北纬22.5度,东经113.9度)发生2.8级地震,震源深度23公里。