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英儿童"涉黄"低龄化 平均年龄仅11岁


  One in three children is accessing a ‘tsunami’ of explicit pornographic images on the internet by the age of ten, a study has revealed. Four in five teenagers regularly look up unsuitable photographs or film on their computers or mobile phones, it also suggested。


  Campaigners warned that exposure to these images inflicts ‘serious mental harm’ on children and prevents them forming healthy adult relationships in later life. The average age of a child first exposed to pornography is just 11.


  Miranda Suit, director of SaferMedia, said pornography was getting more extreme and easier to access. She said: ‘The new generation of mobile phones is making accessing pornography easier with two-thirds of children admitting they had accessed explicit material on their handsets。

  某网站安全负责人Miranda Suit说:“当今的色情视频网站门槛很低,很容易进入,儿童能上网浏览色情信息也不足为奇了。”新一代的智能手机的上网功能使得观看色情视频更加轻而易举,有超过60%的儿童承认他们会通过手机观看色情视频