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美国乔治华盛顿大学允许男女生混住 开国际先例


  According to the Washingtonpost.com on December 4, George Washington University this week announced that students can share dorm rooms with anyone they want - regardless of gender。

  The decision puts GWU at the forefront of the movement toward gender-neutral housing policies at many of the nation's top schools. But where most have limited coed rooms to some upper-class housing, GWU is opening the option to all students, including incoming freshmen。

  American University has offered coed rooms in apartment buildings since last school year and plans to expand the program. Goucher College in suburban Baltimore offers gender-neutral housing in two dorms. Similar moves are under consideration at Towson University, Washington College and St. Mary's College of Maryland。

  Michael R. Komo, a senior political science major in GWU,said,"I really think it's a win-win for everyone, even for the straight folks who just want to live with their friends."

  据美国《华盛顿邮报》网站12月4日报道,美国乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)本周宣布,住在学校宿舍的学生可以自由选择室友的性别,也就是允许男女混住。



  乔治华盛顿大学政治学主任Michael R. Komo称:"我真的认为这是一个双赢计划,尤其是对于那些想和自己朋友住在一起的同性恋同学来说"。