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英美女教师搞同性恋 对学生下狠手


  'Loner' teacher, 29, jailed for having lesbian affair with 15-year-old pupil she contacted via internet chatroom


  An English teacher in her first job had a 14-month lesbian affair with a pupil half her age, a court heard yesterday。


  Louise Yeoman, 29, was ‘craving affection’ and seduced the ‘pretty and popular’ 15-year-old。


  But the illicit relationship was discovered when suspicious colleagues found incriminating text messages on Yeoman’s mobile phone during a school trip, and she was jailed yesterday for 20 months。


  Yeoman, who taught the pupil, had sex with her in her flat after they began chatting online and exchanging text messages, Leeds Crown Court heard。

  利兹刑事法庭听取了陈述。约曼和这个学生是师生关系,她们从网上聊天发展到互发手机短信并发生性关系 。

  Sentencing, Recorder Adrian Waterman QC said: ‘You were the teacher, she was the pupil。


  'You were the one in whom trust had been placed to ensure that you would respect the vital boundaries that must exist between adults and children and between teachers and pupils。


  ‘You are the one who bore the responsibility for preserving those boundaries。


  'You were the one who failed to do so and who abused the trust placed in you. Whatever your feelings, this was not about love and a normal relationship。
