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贾斯汀-比伯女友探班勤 防B宝出轨




  近日,比伯在迈阿密举行了演唱会,大明星约翰尼-德普也特意前来捧场,赛琳娜也贴心到后台探班,而两人下榻的也是同一家酒店,有消息称,赛琳娜此行的另一个目的是监督”少女歌手Jasmine V,Jasmine被邀请作为比伯演唱会的开场嘉宾,而之前这位偶像明星与贾斯汀在后台"玩亲亲",所以赛琳娜此行也有特殊意义。

  Have these coy cuties been caught? Although Selena Gomez recently denied being anything more than friends with pop star Justin Bieber, the 'Wizards of Waverly Place' star was spotted this weekend in a very flirty mood, laughing while casually strolling in South Beach with the 16-year-old teen idol。

  Wearing a trendy off-the-shoulder sweater, the 18-year-old beauty seemed relaxed but amused as she and Bieber, grinning back at her, realized they were being photographed (RadarOnline has the images here)。

  The two are reportedly staying at the same hotel in Miami, where Bieber played a concert last night。

  After the show at American Airlines Arena (random Bieber-fever alert: Johnny Depp was in the audience), Gomez was seen backstage, and photographed boarding Bieber's tour bus with him。

  Perhaps Gomez is in town to keep an eye on Jasmine V, the singer who is not only Bieber's opening act, but the girl spotted kissing him in the backseat of a car in September (Bieber recently told Barbara

  Walters there was no relationship to speak of: "It was just a kiss."). Meanwhile, rumors of a new romance were sparked earlier this month when Bieber was seen exiting a Philadelphia pancake restaurant arm-in-arm with Gomez。

  "It was pancakes. Who doesn't like pancakes?" Gomez told MTV News when asked about Bieber. "We were both performing in the same place, so we went and had pancakes together. That's all it is. All innocent."

  Bieber's tour moves on to Tampa, Birmingham and Atlanta this week before taking a holiday break, and resuming in January。