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A groom-to-be has been accused of cheating on his fiancée in a viral Facebook post. 23-year-old Jack Troutt was holidaying with friends in Ibiza when a stranger posted a photo of him on Facebook accusing him of cheating.

"If this is your boyfriend Jack staying at the Azuline Bergantin hotel Ibiza him and his friends have been proudly discussing that he cheated on you last night," the post shared by tourist Steph Kendall read.
"如果你的男朋友杰克正住在伊比沙的Azuline Bergantin酒店,他和他的朋友一直在自豪的吹嘘他昨天出轨了,"游客史蒂芬·肯达尔分享的这篇帖子上写道。

Steph was sitting near Jack and his friends around the hotel pool when she heard the boys talking about their previous relationships. Jack believes Steph may have misheard the conversation and thought the boys were talking about what had happened the night before.

"I don't even know her, she was just sitting on a sunbed next to me while I was talking to a couple of mates about previous relationships and stuff like that," Jack told The Mirror. "Somehow she claims to have heard me specifically say that I slept with a girl last night."

After noticing the viral Facebook post and receiving messages from concerned friends and family, Jack decided to confront Steph. But when he met her face to face, Steph couldn't recall the exact words Jack said that insinuated that he had cheated.

"For me, that just makes me wonder how she's come to this point that she's able to say I said these words," Jack said. "I haven't done anything to her... I tried to confront her and at the same time, she just kept walking away from me."

After receiving endless abuse online and fearing that his boss at work would see the post, Jack attempted to report the Facebook post - but Facebook failed to respond. "It kept getting shared and shared and shared," Jack told The Mirror.

After being up for 24 hours, the Facebook post, which received more than 10,000 likes and more than 15,000 shares was removed by Steph. The post remained on Twitter however with Love Island's Katy McDermott tweeting the image of Jack to her 357,000 followers.
这篇脸书帖子收到了一万个赞,转发了15000余次,24小时之后终于被史蒂芬删除了。然而,推特上还能看到这条帖子,Love Island's Katy McDermott把杰克的照片推送给了她35.7万名粉丝。