Although they were unable to check volunteers' levels of creativity before brain damage, the results suggest that levels of originality directly relate to where in the brain the damage has happened. Those who scored significantly higher than healthy volunteers in originality had more damage to the left side of the brain, in areas responsible for processing language. Those with the lowest scores tended to have more damage to the right side of the brain, in an area involved in planning and decision-making.
"(Language)regions may compete with the right hemisphere's ability to produce creative ideas," Shamay-Tsoory says. This would explain why, when these language areas are damaged, originality seems to increase.
Shamay-Tsoory 说:“大脑(语言)区域可能要与右半脑竞争,抑制右脑产生创造性思维”。这样以来,就可以解释,当人们大脑语言区域受损时,他们的创造性思维似乎有所增加。
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