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  Fastest Train

  Nicknamed "the Harmony," China's CRH-380A train reached 302 miles per hour during a trial run in early December, 2010. That's more than 40 miles per hour faster than the trial run it made in September, 2010.China has the biggest network of high-speed rails in the world, totalling 4,690 miles. By 2020, the country aims to have 9,941 miles。


  Smallest Stop-Motion Animation Film


  Aardman Animation used a 3D printer to produce different molds of Dot posed in various positions. The filmmakers shot the film using a Nokia N8 smart phone equipped with a CellScope -- a diagnostic-quality microscope The crew shot four seconds of film every day and when it was released in September, 2010, "Dot" was certified by the Book of Guinness World Records as the smallest stop-motion animation film。

  拍摄动画片"Dot(小不点)"时, 阿曼德动画公司利用3D打印机来制作不同位置不同动作的模型。动画师们尝试用装了迷你显微镜的诺基亚N8智能手机来制作影片,每天仅制作电影中的4秒。在2010年9月发行时,“Dot”被吉尼斯世界纪录收录认定最小的定格动画片。