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  Why are Chinese people so anxious? On April 8 the China Youth Daily published an article illustrating this problem. Here is an excerpt.


  Ordinary Chinese people are anxious about education, jobs, personal relationships, houses, love and children's primary education, etc. Because of their anxiety, the words such as “Fangnu” (Slave to house), “Chenu” (Slave to car) and “Hainu” (Slave to children) are continuing to enrich modern Chinese vocabularies.


  Rich people are anxious as well. When they didn't have enough money, they were worried about their poor living conditions. When they are affluent enough to purchase a flat, they want a villa. When they possess a car, they wish for a limousine. When they are millionaires, they dream about ten million yuan, but once they fulfill that, aren't they anxious about being billionaires?


  Officials must be the envy of most people. However, in a panel discussion during the two National Annual Sessions on March 6, Du Deyin, a representative of National People's Congress, pointed out that officials are also indulging in anxiety, over achievements and promotions. How could they feel no anxiety to see others' promotion, especially their rivals?
