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萨科奇夫妇为保爱情急求子 情愿收养


  French First Lady Carla Bruni is reportedly desperate to become a mother again at age of 43. The former supermodel and her husband, President Nicolas Sarkozy, 55, hope to have a child in 2012, just ahead of the next French presidential election, it was claimed. And if Miss Bruni is unable to conceive naturally, they would consider adopting a baby boy, glossy French weekly magazine Gala said. The speculation comes just a month after Miss Bruni told a religious cleric during a state visit to India that she was 'praying for a son'。

  43岁法国第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼近日被媒体曝出“求子心急速膨胀”希望与老公萨科奇在人生步入半百之年的时候能获得“爱情的结晶”,布吕尼求子心切的心情可以理解,因为在她与萨科奇的婚姻逐步接近“七年之痒”状态时,一个两人的孩子的降生绝对是稳固婚姻的一剂良药。据悉,布吕尼希望萨科奇在 2012年连任总统竞选之前,将小孩顺利生出,不仅爱情稳固了,还能为老公“博取”一些政治同情票呢。但是,不管布吕尼看上去多么年轻,她怎么也算是一个高龄产妇了,倘若不能自然受孕,布吕尼与萨科奇会选择“收养”的方式领养小孩。有媒体透露,布吕尼在前往印度访问期间向当地牧师祷告希望能获得一个儿子呢!

  And she told Vanity Fair magazine in 2008: ‘I would love to have children with Nicolas. I hope to, if I am young enough. It would be a dream.’ Miss Bruni already has a nine-year-old son Aurelian from a previous relationship while Sarkozy has three children from two previous marriages, and is also a grandfather. Now Gala magazine has revealed: ‘Carla wants to offer Nicolas a male child in 2012, but if she is too old to conceive, she would adopt。


  ‘The child would also be a way of silencing everything that has been said and written about their relationship in the French media.’ The media mockery of the First Lady also comes in the week she was voted France's most irritating celebrity in a nationwide poll of 2010's most annoying people. Her husband was fourth in the same survey of France's most irritating politicians。
