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  If your grandparents seem wiser and more caring than you there appears to be a scientific reason for it. Researchers have discovered that 'emotional intelligence' peaks after the age of 60. As a result, older generations have more sensitivity and empathy than younger adults. They are also better at seeing the positive side of stressful situations.


  'Increasingly, it appears that the meaning of late life centres on social relationships and caring for and being cared for by others,' said psychologist Professor Robert Levenson, from the University of California at Berkeley. In one study, the scientists looked at how 144 healthy adults in their 20s, 40s and 60s reacted to neutral, sad and 'disgusting' film clips. articipants were asked to adopt a detached and objective attitude, show no emotion, or focus on the positive aspects of what they were seeing. The findings, published in the journal Psychology and Aging, showed it was easier for older people to see negative scenes in a positive light.

  来自加利福利亚大学的心理学家Robert Levenson证实,当人步入老龄化状态,会更容易把生活的中心放在处理人际关系问题上,而且会学着多关心他人。在一项研究当中,调查了144名年龄分别为20、40、60岁的健康成年人,研究者让研究对象观看会使人悲伤的影片,研究对象被告知需要用比较客观的心情去观看,尽量不要表现出过多的个人情感。实验结果发表在《心理学与衰老》杂志上,研究者发现老年人在观看悲伤影片中表现出积极的精神。

  This is a recognised coping strategy that draws on life experience and lessons learned from the past. By contrast, young and middle-aged participants were better at 'tuning out' and diverting attention away from the unpleasant films. Such 'detached appraisal' draws heavily on brain functions responsible for memory, planning and impulse control that diminish with age. All three age groups were equally good at clamping down on their emotional responses when they had to.


  Older participants showed more sadness in response to the films than their younger counterparts.'In late life, individuals often adopt different perspectives and goals that focus more on close interpersonal relationships,' said lead researcher Dr Benjamin Seider.'By doing so, they become increasingly sensitised to sadness because the shared experience of sadness leads to greater intimacy in interpersonal relationships.'
