1. Web Video On Your TV: We’ve already seen many attempts to turn the Internet into a video-delivery pipe to rival cable TV: Google TV, Apple TV, the Boxee Box, Roku, and a slew of “Internet-enabled” TVs. None of them are quite yet cable killers, but they are seeding the market with simple ways to bring Internet video to your large-screen TV in the living room. The more cable-quality video that becomes available over the Web via streaming services such as Netflix, Vudu, or iTunes, the more that people will turn to Web when they are looking for something to watch. This trend is not about surfing the Web on your TV. Nobody wants to do that. It is about using the Internet as an alternative way to deliver movies and TV shows to your flat-screen TV. Even the cable companies will dip their toes into the Internet delivery waters (or plunge deeper if they already have their toes wet). What looks like a pale competitor to cable today will be a lot more viable in a short, twelve months.
2010年期间,美国市场已经出现数项将互联网视频内容与传统电视机相结合的技术或服务,如Google TV、Apple TV、Roku以及一批“具备互联网接入功能”电视机。就目前而言,这些技术和服务尚不足对美国传统有线电视市场构成实质性威胁。但无论如何,这些新技术为将网络视频带入大屏幕电视机开启了新道路。
2. Quora Will Have Its Twitter Moment: Social Q&A site Quora may be the current darling of Silicon Valley, but not a lot of people beyond the insular tech startup world actually use it yet. That will start to change in 2011, which I believe will be the year Quora has its Twitter moment and start to really take off. Quora represents a bigger technology trend, which is the layering of an interest graph on top of people’s social graph. On Quora, you can follow not only people, but topics and questions. It defines the world by your interests, not just the people you may know or admire. This is a powerful concept and is not limited to Quora (both Twitter and Facebook also want to own the interest graph), but Quora is designed from the ground up to expose and help you explore your interests. It is addictive, and as it reaches a critical mass of early users, this will be the year it emerges from its shell much like Twitter did in 2007.
Quora由数名Facebook前员工于2008年6月创建,其中包括Facebook首任首席技术官(CTO)亚当·德安杰罗(Adam D’Angelo)。Quora服务的大致模式是:任何网民成为该网站的注册用户后,可使用各自真实身份回答其他用户提出的问题。这种问答服务与维基百科 (Wikipedia)颇为相似。更为重要的是,Quora引进了诸多社交网络的元素,如用户可对同一个问题的多个答案进行投票、可成为某一用户的“跟随者”等等。
3. Mobile Social Photo Apps:The end of 2010 witnessed a spate of mobile photo apps including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of decent cell phone cameras, GPS, and existing social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare. Each of these apps is built for mobile first. They let you take a picture, mark your location, and share it with your social network (sometimes public, sometimes private). With Instagram and PicPLz, you can choose a filter to make humdrum pics look more exciting or capture a mood. By building on top of existing social networks like Twitter and Foursquare, they are making popular new ways to use those services. Instead of simply checking in, now you can do a photo checkin (even Foursquare lets you do that now). Already Instagram is one of the most popular photo apps in iTunes. Sharing photos is pretty much a universal impulse, and these apps make it easier and more fun.
上述移动社交图片共享应用程序最初都是针对手机用户而开发。利用此类应用程序,用户可拍照、标记自己当前所在地理位置、将图片上传到Facebook等社交网站。对于Foursquare用户而言,利用移动社交图片共享应用程序,他们不再进行简单的“签到”(Check in),而是进行所谓的“图片签到”,从而使签到活动更为生动有趣。
4. Mobile Wallets: If you could use your cell phone as a credit card, would you? Everyone from Apple and Google to Nokia want to make that a reality and tap into the mobile payments market. Both Apple and Google are exploring this opportunity. Google bought mobile payments startup Zetawire to gain experience and the latest Android phone, the Nexus S, comes with an NFC chip—the same kind that is embedded into credit cards and lets you pay by waving it over a wireless reader. The iPhone 5 also may come equipped with an NFC chip, and Apple was sniffing around mobile payments startup BOKU last year for a possible acquisition. It is going to take more than just NFC chips in every phone to make mobile payments a reality, but efforts by the major players this year should begin to move the needle.
在手机已经接近全民普及的今天,如果手机能够具备信用卡的功能,无疑将受到手机用户的大力欢迎。正是看到了这一点,苹果、谷歌、诺基亚及其他厂商都在积极进军移动支付市场。谷歌此前已收购移动支付业务创业公司Zetawire,以将后者技术整合到Android及Nexus S手机当中。
此类手机安装了一个近距离通信(NFC)芯片,该芯片整合了信用卡支付功能,用户可将手机对着一个无线阅读器,就可完成支付过程。预计苹果iPhone 5手机也将安装NFC芯片。去年期间,苹果已同移动支付创业公司BOKU接触,并希望同后者达成收购协议。当然,要使移动支付产业得以全面发展,首先需更多手机配备NFC芯片。但无论如何,谷歌和苹果两家公司已开了个好头。