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准王妃凯特忙牙齿整形 订婚照求美貌


  Her dazzling smile lit up the royal engagement and charmed the watching world. But that beaming look has, it seems, been given something of a helping hand. It was reported at the time that the wedding was announced that Kate Middleton, 28, had ­visited the ­consulting rooms of French-born orthodontist Dr Didier Fillion on London’s Wimpole Street for a teeth-whitening makeover。

  我们都知道,威廉与凯特订婚照一经媒体公开曝光,凯特那身美丽的蓝色连衣裙火了、凯特为了致敬戴妃的蓝色宝石戒指火了,似乎围绕凯特全身上下的所有饰品都能火起来,现在就连凯特的“牙医”也火了。据悉,28岁的凯特为了追求照片笑容更加迷人,求助于大名鼎鼎的享誉全球的正畸专家法国医师 Dr Didier Fillion进行“牙齿美容”漂白牙齿,要不然凯特那一口珍珠白的牙齿从何而来?

准王妃凯特忙牙齿整形 订婚照求美貌

准王妃凯特忙牙齿整形 订婚照求美貌

  In fact, I understand, the future Princess Catherine underwent a revolutionary dental treatment to ensure her teeth were perfect ahead of those engagement photographs. Kate first visited Dr Fillion — who also has practices in Paris and Geneva, and who travels to Britain two days a week to see patients at The ­London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic — around a year ago, and had an initial ?100 ­consultation. Fillion ­specialises in a method of applying braces from behind the teeth so they are invisible. Kate had dental work as a child, and it is known that she wore a ­conventional brace at the age of 12. Noticeably, however, a gap between her two front teeth remained — until recently. Her gleaming new smile looks as though it was topped off with a course of teeth whitening to give that Hollywood sparkle。

  Two years ago, Fillion started to use 3D digital technology, which he ­developed himself with a ­laboratory in South Korea. He is the only ­practitioner in the world to use this method, which is more precise and cuts the amount of time a brace needs to be worn for by several months。

  帮凯特洗牙的牙医不简单,法国医师Dr Didier Fillion在巴黎以及日内瓦都有自己的诊所,他的挂号费也是天价100英镑。有心媒体还特地查了这位“准王妃”的历史资料,令人大跌眼镜的是,凯特寻求名医在自己的牙齿上下功夫的历史可以追溯到她12岁的日子。据悉,凯特12岁的时候为了变美,就已经是一位活脱脱的“牙套女”了,为了矫正自己的牙齿她不遗余力地求助医生帮助。就在订婚照拍摄前,凯特的门牙中间还有一条不大明显的小缝隙,可这位准王妃在拍摄订婚照的时候展示出迷人的好莱坞笑容似乎表明,一切丑牙都是浮云而已。