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  The Guiltmeister


  Your mother insists that you never call—never meaning your three calls a week aren’t enough. Or your friend sighs that you seem to have time for everyone but her—and does it while the two of you are together having lunch。


  Reality check: Step back and get perspective. If it were a perfect stranger in your position, what would you think? If your grown kids behaved this way toward you, how would you feel? Ask a friend for some insight. If it seems like a bigger minefield than you know how to handle, consider talking to a psychotherapist to help you sort it out。


  Your response: “You can’t do enough for some people, so don’t try,” says Dr. Newman. Arguing is futile—you’ll never win—so just calmly tell the other person how it’s going to be. “Mom, I’d rather we didn’t have this same argument over and over. If we can’t talk about something else, let’s hang up and call back when we can。” Or tell your “neglected” friend, “I’m sorry you feel this way, but I try to see you as much as I can。”

  你的反应:“你为他人做事情永远没有底线,所以不要试图这样做”纽曼博士说。辩解是无济于事的,你没有任何胜算。你只需心平气和地高度对方应该如何做。“妈妈,我不想和你一直就这个问题做无休止的争论。如何我们没有其他事情可谈,那就先挂了电话,等找到其他话题了,再继续吧” 或者告诉你那“被抛弃”的朋友:“很抱歉你会这么想,但是我已经努力尽可能多的与你见面了。”

  The Saboteur


  You’re committed to losing those excess pounds, but every time you go out with a certain friend, she tries to get you to order dessert. “Just this one time can’t hurt!” she says. “But you can’t come and not have the chocolate cake!” The saboteur tries to validate her choices by making you behave as she does。


  Reality check: Be a leader, not a follower, and think about how angry you’ll be when the number on the scale climbs after all that hard work. “Saying no is not about selfishness but about self-respect. You’re standing up for what is right for you,” says William Ury, PhD, cofounder of Harvard University’s Program on Negotiation。

  审视现实: 你要做自己的主人,而不是随波逐流。想一下,当你在诸多减肥努力下,还是看到体重秤上的数字有了攀升,会有多么地懊恼啊。“学会说不并不是自私,而是自重。你在坚持做正确的事情”哈佛大学谈判项目共同创办人威廉·尤里博士如是说。

  Your response: Stand firm, and then redirect the conversation. You don’t need a lot of excuses or explanations. “No, thank you. Tea is just fine for me. Are you going to watch American Idol this season? I wonder how the new hosts will be。”
