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    巨蟹座(6月22日━ 7月22日)

    Cancer is emotional, sensitive and a symbol of motherhood with arms circling around the chest. Tt reflects the mother nature of protecting children. But the baby under the security of mother indicates a fragile characteristic. The arms illustrates Cancer owns  the strong sense of self-protection.

    敏感多情的巨蟹座是母性的象征,双臂环绕着胸前,表现母亲护卫子女的天性   不过,就另一种象征意义而言,怀中婴儿代表了无助脆弱的自我,而环绕的双臂,则说明了巨蟹座浓厚的自我保护意义。

   Hercules is hero in the Greek legend. one day, he was ordered to get rid of the dangerous nine-headed snake Hydra. In the fierce battle, Cancer, Hydra's assistant, was killed by Heracles who crushed shells  with a stick. But Hera hated this hero, and later she put cancer into the sky, as one os the constellations.

   传说一  赫拉克勒斯是希腊传说中的英雄,他受命除掉伤害人畜的九头水蛇许德拉。在激烈的战斗中,许德拉有一只巨蟹助战,被赫拉克勒斯用大棒将蟹壳击碎而亡。神后赫拉非常憎恨这位英雄,把巨蟹放在天上成为星座。在二三月的夜晚,在南方天空可以看见巨蟹星座。

   Cancer first appeared in legend of Babylonian culture. In Egypt, the symbol of this constellation is two turtles, sometimes referred to as "the constellation of water", sometimes referred to as allul(allul, an unknown of aquatic life).

   传说二  巨蟹座最早脱胎于巴比伦的传说。在埃及,这星座的象征为两只乌龟,有时被称为“水的星座”,有时又被称为阿璐儿(allul,一种不明的水中生物)。