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"帐篷哥"求学记:夜宿清华 旁听北大


Starting the day by auditing classes at Peking University (PKU) while ending it sleeping in a tent pitched at Tsinghua University (THU), Zhao Ming (pseudonym), a student from Dongying, Shandong Province, became well known as "Brother Tent" among his more orthodox peers.

Zhao, 21, a former computer science and technology major at a Shandong-based university who left it after the first semester due to boredom, came to Beijing to audit classes at PKU in January last year.

No regrets

Zhao said that he doesn`t regret his decision because he has learned a lot since coming to Beijing. Classes he has attended include computer science, journalism and microeconomics.He said he has also proven that he survives rough times and has broadened his horizons.

Hardships and setbacks

In order to earn his living in a strange city, Zhao first worked in a supermarket at PKU selling fruits and spent his spare time attending classes.

Last summer holiday, he became a security guard at THU and got to know many fellow guards, which proved convenient for him when he began sleeping in the tent afterward at the university. After earning some money to support himself, Zhao quit the job and began his "full-time" auditing experience last November.