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"帐篷哥"求学记:夜宿清华 旁听北大

Camping out

He bought a camping tent and a sleeping bag and moved to the corridor of a dormitory building`s top floor at THU.Zhao lived in the tent for more than one month before he left for his hometown last week for a reunion with his family during Spring Festival.

But after media reports about him, THU prohibited Zhao from pitching his tent in the dorm and banned it from the security guard room.Zhao said friends he made at both universities now keep his belongings.

Controversies and worries

Brother Tent`s story has sparked some controversy among students.Some think his decision extreme. "He is risking his future career. Auditing classes doesn`t mean a degree, which is not good for his employment," said Hu Xiuyi, a sophomore majoring in finance at PKU.

But many others believe he sets a good example for other students.

"His decision to quit school and come to Beijing alone shows great courage. His strong will in overcoming living difficulties is also worth imitating," said Liu Ting, a senior at Shandong-based China University of Petroleum.

Yu Shijie, director with the journalism center at THU said that Zhao`s spirit and eagerness to study is worth learning from. However, his accommodation problems should be resolved according to regulations. "Pitching a tent on campus is not a long-term solution. He could apply for help from relevant departments. Our university has not taken effective measures to help him," admitted Yu.