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摩托妈妈千里探子 扮男装独行6昼夜


"A mother's love is forever; time, distance, hardship... all fall before the strength of her love", so reads a traditional platitude, yet the recent devotion of one mother, Li Chunfeng, a 29 year-old restaurant waitress in Wenzhou, who suddenly decided to travel 2,000km by motorcycle to see her young son, is being hailed as a testament to the maternal spirit, reports the Chongqing Evening News.

Li's young son lives with his grandmother in Qianjiang, in the Chongqing municipality, in order for both Li and her husband to work, so she only sees him during holidays. Following a nightmare involving her son and a reassuring phone call to her son's school, she decided to return home. She dressed in worker's overalls to give her the extra safety of looking like a man and travelled both day and night, only stopping every six hours for rest.

After six days and nights of driving, Li finally arrived at her son's school and burst into tears upon seeing her son, helmet still in hand. Li's dedication has captured the admiration of locals and the Chinese media. Luo Changyou, Li's neighbour, said she could not imagine that such a woman like Li could do such a thing for her son. Feng Dali, the headmaster of her son's school, observed, "Sometimes a mother's love could be beyond our imagination."




