The comfortable poses in Prince William and Kate Middleton's official engagement photographs were captured by invoking the mood at a shoot with Princess Diana, photographer Mario Testino has said. The Peruvian took two pictures - one formal and the other more casual - of the couple at St James' Palace, looking very much in love and 'brimming with happiness'.
凯特与威廉王子的订婚照一经与公众见面,便赢得了众人的喝彩,特别是这对新人站在一间起居室的窗前,威廉身穿品牌为Turnbell Asser的白色衬衫拥抱着凯特的非正式订婚照更加吸引着粉丝的目光。据悉,这一组照片全部是来自于摄影大师,也是英国皇室的“御用摄影师”Mario Testino 之手,这张在圣·詹姆斯宫拍摄的订婚照让凡是看过的人都洋溢在一股幸福之中。
The well-known photographer, who created some of the most enduring images of William's late mother, has now revealed the relaxed portraits were taken with the help of music used while taking portraits of Diana. The tracks, from French singer Dalida, were played as the Prince and his fiancee posed together shortly after their engagement was announced in November.
据悉,Mario Testino 不但是最有声望的摄影师,不但著名杂志VOGUE和各大时尚品牌是他的客户,Mario Testino 也是英国皇室的“最爱”。这位摄影师为英国皇室“效力”的历史可以追溯到“戴安娜王妃”时期。据悉,戴安娜王妃1997年的《名利场》封面就是摄影师Mario Testino 的得意之作。据透露,Mario Testino 在给威廉和凯特拍摄订婚照时,这对新人刚开始还显得特别拘谨,为了使得他们拍照更加放松,Mario Testino在拍摄过程中播放戴安娜王妃生前在拍摄中喜爱的音乐,果不其然,威廉和凯特听到妈妈生前熟悉的音乐放松下来,照片拍摄情况大好!
Though members of the Royal Family are used to being photographed, even they must feel completely comfortable in order to look their best, Testino told US Vogue.'The contrast of the contemporary informal music playing in the beautiful rooms with so much history caused a lot of laughter,' he added.
摄影大师Mario Testino对媒体说:“虽然皇室成员对摄像头已经习以为常、见怪不怪了,但是为了拍摄出最好的照片,还需要鼓励他们在拍摄中尽可能放松。在严肃的圣·詹姆斯宫殿内播放很轻松地音乐,或者说他们母亲熟悉的音乐可以创造出意想不到的化学效果,威廉和凯特都觉得十分好笑。”
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