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  诺兰在看到了大导演马丁·斯科塞斯的《飞行家》之后萌发了再度拍摄霍华德传记的想法,前者是根据一部名为《霍华德·休斯:秘密的生活》改编而来,此番,克里斯托弗决定以作家Michael Drosnin的《公民休斯:权利、金钱与疯狂》一书为蓝本,所以并不担心题材的“撞车”。《公民休斯》主要关注了霍华德万年的生活,并以他的手书回忆录为本。据悉,克里斯托弗·诺兰有望在2012年底开拍此片,预计2014年上映,届时刚好是斯科塞斯的《飞行家》上映10周年之日。

  As director Christopher Nolan prepares to shoot The Dark Knight Rises this spring, new details have emerged that he wants to direct a biopic on Howard Hughes soon after he wraps the final chapter of his Batman trilogy.

  Christopher Nolan originally scrapped his plans for this biopic after Martin Scorsese beat him to the punch with the 2004 movie The Aviator. While The Aviator was based off the biography Howard Hughes: The Secret Life, written by Charles Higham, Christopher Nolan's project will be based off a different book titled Citizen Hughes: The Power, The Money and the Madness by Michael Drosnin.

  This book delves into Howard Hughes' later years, including his obsessive-compulsive disorder issues and his life as a recluse. The book is based on thousands Howard Hughes's own hand-written memos, which were leaked after his office was burglarized in 1975.

  The current plan is for Christopher Nolan to shoot this untitled biopic in late 2012, with it to be released in 2014. This will be 10 years after The Aviator's release. It isn't clear if Christopher Nolan is adapting the screenplay himself. The project isn't set up at a studio yet, although, if everything comes together, it is likely that the movie will be set up at Warner Bros.