情人节巧玩速配游戏 科学搭讪有秘诀
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, scientists have come with a guide on the secrets of seduction. Their tips, which range from what to wear to catch a suitor’s eye, to the best chat-up lines and even the most attractive names, could make the difference between enjoying a romantic meal for two on Monday or a TV dinner for one.
The first bit of advice for women is to wear red. Not only is a lady in red deemed more attractive, research shows that it makes the men around her more attentive, flirtatious - and wanting to move closer. A man also becomes instantly more desirable to the opposite sex - simply by donning some red clothing. The next secret of seduction, for men at least, is to make yourself seem as popular as possible.
University of Aberdeen research found that women are more likely to rate a man highly if they see another woman smiling at him and throwing him admiring glances. Being surrounded by a gaggle of women also does wonders for a woman’s street cred. But the phenomenon could lead to married men attracting unwelcome attention, with research showing that men who are already taken are much appealing than their single counterparts.
来自 Aberdeen 大学的研究人员发现,女人的“妒忌心理”也就可以被很好的运用,因为专家分析一旦女人发现还有别的女人在对眼前的男士微笑、或者抛媚眼时,这个男士就成功了。因为女人这时候会“醋意大发”非把看上去别人也心仪的男士给“夺过去”不可。此外,“已婚男士”或者说已经处在交往当中的男士在女士眼中会更加有魅力,同理可证,还真是“看着碗里的,想着锅里的”,“别人家的饭菜还是香”一个道理!
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