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Practicing on a Computer

If you were training for a serious bike race in the mountains, would you practice only by bik-ing on the streets? I hope not The air is different The terrain is different Yeah, I bet you’dpractice in the mountains

Using a compiler to practice interview questions is like this - and you’ve basically been bikingon the streets your entire life Put away the compiler and get out the old pen and paper Usea compiler only to verify your solutions

Not Rehearsing Behavioral Questions

Many candidates spend all their time prepping for technical questions and overlook the behavioral questions Guess what? Your interviewer is judging those too! And, not only that- your performance on behavioral questions might bias your interviewer’s perception of your technical performance Behavioral prep is relatively easy and well-worth your time Lookingover your projects and positions and think of the key stories Rehearse the stories Seepg 29 for more details

Not Doing a Mock Interview

Imagine you’re preparing for a big speech Your whole school, or company, or whatever willbe there Your future depends on this And all you do to prepare is read the speech to your-self Silently In your head Crazy, right? Not doing a mock interview to prepare for your real interview is just like this If you’re anengineer, you must know other engineers Grab a buddy and ask him/her to do a mockinterview for you You can even return the favor!