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  上周五,甜姐儿詹妮弗·安妮斯顿在纽约度过了自己42岁的生日,当日恰逢她的新作《随波逐流》正式上映,“双喜临门”的詹妮弗与一帮明星好友一同在纽约著名的餐厅The Spotted Pig共进生日晚餐。当晚,寿星心情大好,神采飞扬,到场祝贺的明星包括了《随波逐流》的搭档亚当·桑德斯以及“金刚狼”休·杰克曼。“他们在三楼的私人用餐区开Party,安妮斯顿也是兴奋的满场飞”,知情人士透露。之前,詹妮弗告诉媒体,准备以出游的方式来庆祝自己的生日,正如同去年此时的洛斯卡沃斯之旅。“起床、吃早饭、做运动,然后在户外做些有意思的事情。我知道,这听起来有些烦人”,安妮斯顿笑说,“但这感觉的确不错。”

  Before heading off on vacation with pals, Jennifer Aniston celebrated her 42nd birthday in the Big Apple Friday night, dining with famous friends at The Spotted Pig.

  Aniston was "in an extremely good mood" as she sampled small bites, including quiches with Just Go With It costar Adam Sandler, as well as Hugh Jackman, a source tells PEOPLE.

  "The full kitchen was at her disposal," says the source, who adds that the party dined in the private third floor dining area.

  The actress recently told PEOPLE that she planned to celebrate the big day by going on a getaway – much like last year's Los Cabos trip – but without forgetting her exercise routine.

  "Get up, have breakfast, have a workout, do something great outside. Yeah, I know, it's annoying," she laughs. "But that way you feel great."