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Mind over matter
If you’re stressed, you’re more likely to get ill, and less likely to recover quickly. Your state of mind affects your immune system, making you more susceptible to viruses and infections, so the first thing to do is brighten your mood. Simple things like going for a short walk will relax the mind and help your body to recover from a cold. I’m sure dog owners live longer than the rest of us because they’re always out there walking

Watch what you eat
Avoid eating processed, fatty foods. Focus on a plant-based diet, aiming to eat seven or more portions of fruit or vegetables a day. When you’re feeling run-down, oranges are particularly good because of the vitamin C content. At the very least take vitamin C as a supplement; I have a couple of grams a day during the cold and flu season

A warming drink
A great treatment for a cold is fresh ginger tea. Thinly slice two inches of root ginger and boil, adding lemon juice and honey to taste. The honey is very soothing for the throat and cools inflammation. Ginger has antibacterial and antiviral effects, and it dilates the bronchial tube so you breathe more easily. It’s nice that it’s spicy and hot, too. You also need to keep hydrated to flush all the toxins out of your body, so drink eight glasses of water a day