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  From junk emails to annoying adverts, we spend our lives being bombarded with a constant stream of information。


  Now scientists have worked out exactly how much data is sent to a typical person in the course of a year。


  They found that mankind broadcasts two quadrillion megabytes - or two followed by 21 zeroes - of information through televisions, radios, newspapers, post and emails every 12 months。


  That's the equivalent of every person in the world having to read 174 newspapers from cover to cover every single day。


  The study also found that the world's libraries, computers, DVD collections and newspapers store a staggering 295trillion megabytes of information - or 295 followed by 18 zeroes。


  If those 295 'exabytes' of stored information were kept on CD-Roms, the stack of CDs would reach from the Earth to beyond the Moon。


  Dr Martin Hilbert of the University of South California, who carried out the study, admits that the numbers involved are too large to comprehend - but that they are dwarfed by nature。

  南加利福尼亚州大学的马丁 希尔伯特博士领导了这项研究,他指出该项数据异常巨大,但与自然相比却又是九牛一毛。

  The 295trillion megabytes of information stored in the whole world is still less than one per cent of the information stored in all the DNA in a single human being, he said。


  'These numbers are impressive, but still minuscule compared to the order of magnitude at which nature handles information,' said Dr Hilbert who reveals the figures in the journal Science.'Compared to nature, we are but humble apprentices. However, while the natural world is mind-boggling in its size, it remains fairly constant. In contrast, the world's technological information processing capacities are growing at exponential rates.'
