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Calm Down! Tips for Regaining Your Cool Quickly

Tear ducts. They’re not my friends. I don’t send them Christmas cards. I don’t invite them to parties. Still, unbidden and unwanted, tears have a tendency to well up in my eyes whenever I’m having a difficult conversation with someone. And, though it’s quite rare, I’ve been known to totally blow a gasket or two. Let’s face it, that red-faced, exploding-at-the-seams angry look isn’t exactly fashion forward.

Emotions are good things. They help steer our choices and, when worn on our sleeves, give others clues to how we’re feeling. But sometimes emotions—such as traitor tears, a red-hot temper, or panic-inducing anxiety—are a downright pain in the rear. When high emotions get in the way of your professionalism, prevent you from effectively communicating, or cause your mascara to create a raccoon effect, it’s time to take control.

Keeping Cool in the Heat of the Moment

As calm as we may try to keep our lives, there’s one thing that’s for sure. @#!& happens. Grocery clerks put bottles of orange juice on top of egg cartons. Speed-demon drivers cut you off on the highway. Checks bounce when your significant other forgets to write a withdrawal in the register. Bosses assign impossible late-night tasks. And it’s important to keep yourself together when everything falls apart. Here’s how:
有一点是毫无疑问的,在生活不论发生什么样的事情,我们都要尽可能地保持镇静。商店里的售货员们将桔汁水瓶摆放在应该摆放鸡蛋的纸箱中;在高速路上,那些喜欢开快车的人切断了你的路;当你的另一半在登记簿上忘记写撤销两个字的时候,你的支票又一次被递送过来;老板们要你完成那些即便是你干到深夜都不可能完成的工作等等情况。 当每件事情都不对劲的时候,重要的是,你自己要保持镇静。下面是一些具体做法: